Carrito de Compras

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× Placeholder Democracy Women's Ab Solution Jegging                                                                                  S/269.06
× Placeholder HP M27ha FHD Monitor-Full HD Monitor(1920 x 1080p)- IPS Panel and Built-in Audio... S/1,047.32
× Placeholder SHIMOYAMA Chef's Shaped Hat Grip Pot Lid Covers, 4 Pack, Silicone Heat Resistant Oven Mitts for Cooking, Baking, Kitchen, Red Chef Hat Grip Red S/58.90
× Placeholder SheIn Women's Plus 2 Pieces Half Sleeve Round Neck Drop Shoulder T Shirt and Biker Shorts Set X-Large Plus Khaki S/147.31
× Placeholder Crash Bandicoot Bandai Deluxe Edition Action Figure | 16.5cm Toy with 16 Points ... S/149.67

Totales del carrito

Subtotal S/1,672.26

Enviar a Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima.

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Gastos de Envío Internacional y Seguros S/589.32
Impuestos de Aduana en destino S/450.47
Envío a MIAMI - GRATIS S/0.00
Delivery GRATIS a todo el Perú S/0.00
Dcto adicional por lanzamiento de BuyXpress -S/100.66
Total S/2,611.39
(Envío S/589.32/5 items) ¡Es como si pagaras S/117.9 por cada producto!
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*Desde que el total de tu orden ingrese a nuestro almacen de Miami