Carrito de Compras

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× Placeholder Car Seat Strap Pads Covers for Baby Kids, Seat Belt Covers Cushion for boy Girl,... S/29.43
× Placeholder 3-4 Season 2 3 Person Lightweight Backpacking Tent Windproof Camping Tent Awning... S/374.65
× Placeholder Berhapy 2 in 1 Dog Toddler Safety Harness Backpack Children's Walking Leash Stra... S/88.37
× Placeholder Bear Blender, 2023 Upgrade 700W Shakes and Smoothies Blender with 40oz Counterto... S/113.63

Totales del carrito

Subtotal S/606.08

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Gastos de Envío Internacional y Seguros S/412.07
Envío a MIAMI - GRATIS S/0.00
Delivery GRATIS a todo el Perú S/0.00
Dcto adicional por lanzamiento de BuyXpress -S/89.55
Total S/928.60
(Envío S/412.07/4 items) ¡Es como si pagaras S/103 por cada producto!
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