Carrito de Compras

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× Placeholder Vinyl Player Bluetooth Turntable Vinyl Record Player with Speakers Turntables for Vinyl Records 3 Speed Belt Driven Vintage Record Player Vinyl Turntable for Entertainment AUX in RCA Out Orange S/168.36
× Placeholder Logitech POP Keys Mechanical Wireless Keyboard with Customizable Emoji , Durable... S/278.07
× Placeholder Logitech POP Keys Mechanical Wireless Keyboard with Customizable Emoji Keys, Dur... S/336.76

Totales del carrito

Subtotal S/783.19

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Gastos de Envío Internacional y Seguros S/457.88
Envío a MIAMI - GRATIS S/0.00
Delivery GRATIS a todo el Perú S/0.00
Dcto adicional por lanzamiento de BuyXpress -S/99.95
Total S/1,141.12
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